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Availability and Enrollment​

As a parent participation preschool, each family plays a significant role in the proper functioning and maintenance of our program and school facility. In order for our organization to operate successfully, we require our caregivers to meet certain obligations. If every family meets its obligations, the group can work effectively as a cohesive unit. Please be sure that you understand your commitments before deciding that our program can best serve your needs.

The major requirements are listed below and will be explained throughout the handbook:

Pay monthly tuition on time

Complete 6-9 maintenance hours per year (6 for Caregiver & Me; 9 for 3-4 year old class/ 4-5 year old class)

Complete 2 Fundraising hours per school year

Attend your assigned class workday

Attend monthly parent education meetings

Serve on one committee

Hold one Projects & Activities (P&A) job or a Board Position

Sign up for ‘On Call’ days as needed (3-4 year old class/ 4-5 year old class)

Before any child or caregiver will be permitted to participate, the following must be correctly completed and received by the membership chairperson:

Application for Admission

Child’s Health Form with physician’s signature

Photocopy of child’s immunization record

Current TB test for any adult participating at preschool sent to the Roseville Joint Union High School District

Fingerprinting with results sent to the Roseville Joint Union High School District

View Mandated Reporter video and sign Mandated Reporter form annually


*The Parent Information is strictly for the school’s use and will be kept confidential through the Roseville Joint
Union High School District.

​Our program offers a wide range of sensory, art, music, fine motor, and large motor experiences for your child. For caregivers, our monthly meetings offer parent education with very informative speakers, discussions facilitated by our teachers, and presentations on the importance and value of play-based education. Your child is NOT required to be potty trained to attend RPEP.

We accept wait list applications for all classes year-round. The highest priority is given to currently enrolled children, which means all currently enrolled children will have priority to move to their preferred class the following year. Please note that with two Caregiver & Me classes funneling into one 3's & 4's class, it is possible that even currently enrolled toddlers can be put on a waitlist for the fall. However, most years it is not a problem. 

Age requirements are as follows:

Caregiver & Me class applicants must be 18 months old to begin attending class.

3's & 4's is for children who will be 3 by September 1st of the school year for which they are enrolling.

4's & 5's is for children who will be 4 by September 1st of the school year for which they are enrolling.


If you are interested in any of our classes and would like to enroll please click on the link below, fill out the application with a non-refundable $30.00 fee, and you will be contacted by someone in membership to proceed. 

​Tuition Rates & Fees

Monthly tuition is payable on or before the first (1st) of each month electronically through Brightwheel or by providing a check or cash directly to the school according to the schedule below. There is a $20 fine or 1 hour of maintenance within 30 days, for payment received after the 10th of the month.


2024/2025 Rates & Fees: 

Caregiver & Me Class monthly tuition is $80

Three-Four Year Old Class monthly tuition is $240

Four-Five Year Old Class monthly tuition is $295

    *(May tuition is paid during the enrollment/re-enrollment process)


Additional Fees: 

Application fee for new families $30 non-refundable

Registration fee of $75 per child per year non-refundable

Arts & Craft fee of $30 upon enrollment to offset shared supplies (or toward facility maintenance) non-refundable

Upon enrollment, May’s tuition is due upfront

Maintenance Deposit of $180 prior to 1st day of class

3rd party fingerprinting fee prior to volunteering on campus non-refundable (Fingerprinting is conducted by LiveScan and will remain on file with the district office)



Re-enrollment for existing RPEP families begins in late winter in order to determine availability for the fall. Once re-enrollment is complete, we begin the process of new enrollments, this is usually in March. 

Please read our RPEP Preschool Handbook below:

© 2025 Roseville Parent Education Preschool 501(c)(3)

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